The Rainbow Guide to Color Energy
by Cynthia C. Whitehouse
"Color is the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The vibrational and magnetic qualities of color speak to our energy fields-even when we are not listening. The Rainbow Guide to Color Energy will teach you how to attune yourself to the characteristics of each color, allowing you to develop a new, more positive way of interacting with color vibrations. By using the simple techniques in this book, you can learn how and when to alter your surroundings in ways that will resonate harmoniously with all levels of your being." *** |
Dear Reader, Color has always intrigued me. When I became a Color Consultant, that interest intensified. Watching the way people reacted to direct contact with the particular hues and intensities of color; watching the affinity they had for one color and the repulsion they felt for another amazed me. I began to see personality patterns. I began to look further into what other cultures practiced and into what newer studies had to say about color’s influence on people. Based on this, I learned to use color to help myself in my own search for personal harmony. I am not a color guru. What I am is another person on the path, discovering the human experience as I go and wanting to share what I have found to be helpful. Color is an awesome tool for understanding our world and ourselves. It is a visual portrait of the energies of life. I hope that you will take the time and effort to attune yourself to it (go slowly, it’s not that hard). My truest hope is that color will become as much a blessing in your life as it is in mine. With many blessings, Cynthia C. Whitehouse
The Rainbow StoryThe concept behind this book—the idea of color vibrations affecting people on an energetic level and influencing their behavior—was first conceived as a fictional work. The result of that thought is a book called Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale. Readers of Rainbow Goddess asked me so many questions about how the journey actually worked, and expressed such interest in not having the journey end that I decided to put the information into a non-fiction format. While it is not necessary that you read the fictional work in order to get the many benefits of experiencing The Rainbow Guide to Color Energy, it does come highly recommended.
Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale is a fictional story of a woman’s travels through the vibrations of color energy. It is a tale of self-discovery, a mother-daughter relationship story and a romance. It is also a treatise on the real possibilities of living within a paradigm of metaphysical beliefs. Each of the experiences within a journey color is designed to reflect the way that color’s energy influences human emotions and behavior. * * * "…Anyway, Living without the dreams is like swimming in emptiness. I
won’t have Karina spend her life that way," Momma says.
Reviews ofRainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale Reviewer: Angela from Michigan, USA (Taken from "This is a must for summer reading lists! Readers are immediately pulled into the story by Karina, Momma and the mysticism that surrounds not only their relationship to each other, but to the relationship of what is seen and unseen. Readers will easily recognize the hope/need for change and the ability to make those things happen not only in the characters, but also in themselves. This book is not only empowering, but takes the imagination on a magickal journey. Kudos to Ms. Whitehouse for a great read. This is a journey I want to take again!" Reviewer: "The Healing Garden Journal" Rick Coates "Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale is a journey that the author invites the reader to share as she intertwines personal experience with fantasy to create the story of Karina. Karina is a young woman who, ‘with the guidance of her mother and the strength of her spirit, travels through dimensions that are both enlightening and dangerous.’ The book blends poetry and journal entries from Karina and her guide to tell the story of self-discovery. While the story is fictional, the reader is pulled into the journey as if it is real—creating the understanding that we all must take the "journey" if we are to expect the most out of our lives and relationships with others…" Reviewer: Harmony Books and Gifts, Roslyn Elena Cooper "This is a captivating, mystical odyssey combining the possibilities of modern science with the magic of ancient ritual. It probes deeply into the psyche while guiding you through color wave dimensions, chronicling the transformation of the main character, Karina’s inner and outer worlds."
To all the Light workers of this planet No matter what your philosophical or spiritual background is, if you bring love and light, your good intentions, your healing energy and your powerful presence benefit us all. God Bless! * * *
AcknowledgementsOnce again, I would like to profusely thank Ken Whitehouse, who supports me in every way possible. Thank you to all of the people who visited my Web site and gave me feedback on this project. Officially I would like to thank everyone who has ever written a book dealing with spiritual and metaphysical healing concepts. I’d love to list everyone who has ever influenced me. Of course, that would be a book in itself. I live on the food these books offer. If you have a book inside you and you haven’t penned it yet, please do. You will benefit from the process and so will the people who need to hear what you have to say. I would like to thank Connie Agard for her work with the Living Color™ Image Consulting program. Her Image Consultant training program is the best of its kind. When dealing with color and people, she always goes beyond the surface. The Living Color program was a springboard that inspired me to continue my exploration deeper into the mysteries and influences of color. I would like to thank Shanta Gabriel for her inspiration and the information she provided on Angels and for her energetic work with Evolutionary Bodywork, which has benefited my life immensely. For moral and emotional support, and for letting me bounce ideas off of them, I would like to thank my family, also Roselyn Elena Cooper, Michaeleene O’Sullivan, Chere Snyder, and Angela Wennerberg. Thanks for your patience, Luke and Shannon. I love you.
Reader NoteThe ideas, procedures and suggestions in this book are not intended to replace the services of qualified medical professionals. You should consult your physician before using the procedures in this book as medical or psychological treatment. Use of any applications in this book are at the reader’s discretion. * * * __________________________________ Recommended Supplies for Use with this Guide:
IntroductionA Karina narrative in the prologue: This time, what I see is different. Her eyes are warm and their energy is strong, pulsating. Maybe she isn't just a goddess, I think. Maybe she is all the gods and goddesses merged together. Maybe she is the One Energy, the Creator of Existence. I look into her and see myself. It's as though her eyes have focused to become a screen for the movie of my life. Unwillingly, I fall into the film. From Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale
Welcome to the Journey Because they are everywhere and because they have their own energy and influence, colors have much to teach us.
This guide is designed to lead you into becoming conscious of the way subtle color energies interact with your light body and your subconscious mind. These subtle color energies are personal-growth-friendly because they speak to the part of our intelligence that is not too busy processing the activities of life to listen to them. Colors are versatile and work on several different levels. First, colors are essentially light energy. They are fluctuating vibrations of light. Unconsciously, we often use color in our clothes and our environment to signal our emotions. If we are feeling like we need a little extra protection on a particular day, for example, we may choose to wear black clothing. Black is a color that does not reflect light energy back into the world. Because we can use colors to demonstrate our moods, we can say that they are tools, like musical instruments, through which we can play our unconscious needs and desires. Colors are the "flutes of energy," perfect for harnessing the sound of our unsung longings, urging them into expression. Most people have an affinity for one color over all others due to the attunement they feel to that color’s energy. Another way colors are used is symbolically. Our language is riddled with terms such as "He saw Red," or "She is true Blue," or "I was Green with envy." We instinctively understand and figuratively incorporate the power of color into our worldview. But colors are more than a means for expression and symbolism. They are an integral part of the air that surrounds us. Colors, the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, displayed in the form of sunlight, are essential to life. Through photosynthesis, they feed the plants that support our atmosphere, which in turn supports us. In a very real sense, they bring us life. Colors are an intricate and inseparable part of our world. This is an Experiential Guide to exploring your relationship with color. It will introduce you to a new way of living with color’s ever-present energy. Think of this book as a tool to extend your perceptions, to help you draw out what is hidden in your psyche, and to nudge your memory, allowing you to unearth parts of yourself that you may have buried. Working with the energy of color can help to accelerate your personal growth. When—through the exercises provided in this book—new light is shed into dimly lit corners of your memory, parts of your suppressed or "shadow self" will be brought into view. Uncovering the identities of these unacknowledged emotions and assessing who and what they really are is vital to the process of personal growth, to becoming a "whole" person. I am not promising that you will have all the answers to life’s many enigmas after taking your personal journey through the realm of color energy. I am saying that, if you do the work and are diligently honest in the written exercises, you will gain a better understanding of yourself and your relationship to the world around you. The Rainbow Guide to Color Energy is not a "How To" manual, although it has suggestions, which you may take or leave as your heart directs. It is, more accurately, a format for your journey into self-discovery. This journey works best if you view it as simply a format for learning. Not as college level, but more as a kindergarten. Kindergarten is a place where we learn basics and social skills. This is a kindergarten for our relationship with color energies and with our own feelings. This is a play class, with things to touch, smell, hear and see. Finger painting is highly recommended. So is snack time. If some of the information seems a little unpleasant (looking closely at our relationships is not always comfortable), you can pretend that this is "Story Time" and that the discomfort is the Big, Bad Wolf going after poor Little Red Riding Hood. Just remember that in the story’s end, the wolf’s true identity is uncovered. And the hunter always gets the wolf. If at anytime during this exploration a question or exercise does not ring true for you, trust yourself and skip it or alter the question to one that works for you. It is the format that is important. Be careful, however, not to skip something just because it is uncomfortable. Not ringing true and discomfort are two totally different things. Not ringing true feels hollow. Discomfort feels exceedingly insistent. The uncomfortable and insistent exercise is probably the one you need to work on most. Darn the bad luck! Be ruthless in your honesty, but be gentle in your conclusions. We are all working on this being human thing. If any of us had it right, we probably wouldn’t still be here. Bon Voyage! * * * Complementary Color Wheel The color that aligns opposite a color on the wheel
A Brief Biography of Color
Color, The General Influence Although we all know—and some of us worry—about the effects portions of the electromagnetic spectrum have upon us (television & computer monitor radiation, x-rays, the sun’s ultraviolet rays, etc.), we often overlook the influence of the visible spectrum of light. The visible spectrum, the rainbow of colors, is a subtle but permeating part of our world. The matter of our world, the body of Earth, is literally soaked in hues produced by the fluctuations of electric and magnetic energy fields—the subtle frequencies of light known as color. Without going into a deep lecture in physics, I do want to note that scientists now know that light is not just waves as was once thought. Studying light on a quantum level has revealed that it also acts like a particle. Since it has the ability to act as both a wave and a particle, light can now be conceptualized as a wavicle. Because human beings are also comprised of both particles and vibrating waves of energy, the subtle frequencies of color can effect us. For the sake of simplification, and because I find jargon easier to use than scientific terms, I will refer to the impact that color can have on humans as "color energy" from here on in this book. The effect that color can have on humans is usually subtle, but over prolonged periods, or in more sensitive people, it can be intense. Many people believe that the vibration level of our planet’s energy is being raised, and because of that, subtle energies are now having more impact on our lives. In the beginning of each chapter you will find a list of the "qualities" of each color. One thing you will notice about of these qualities is that they represent concepts and can appear as either positive or negative, depending on how much of each color is affecting a person. You will find examples of how it "looks" when there is an excess of a particular color in a person’s life and when there is a lack of it. Please note that the lists of color qualities come from a compilation of the observations of many cultures and individual people over time, as well as more recent studies. It is my belief that, in spite of the obvious and uniform influences of the energy of color, each of us humans has our own relationship to color. No two humans vibrate at exactly the same energy level. We are not even consistent within ourselves in that at certain times we are more "revved up" or energized than at others. So, please, use the awareness you are gaining through this exploration to discern how a specific color is—at any given moment—affecting you personally. Let the experience be your own. You will be amazed at what it can teach you. * * * Getting to know color is like getting to know people. Just as some people bring out different aspects of your personality, so too will different colors. The trick to having healthy color relationships lies in maintaining balance. Some people have qualities you admire, but are not personally strong in. To a degree, these people usually attract you to them. They complement you. Other people possess qualities you also have, but perhaps they are the qualities you don’t like so well in yourself. To some degree, these people usually repel you. They may seem contrary to you. Understanding when someone or something is affecting us positively or negatively is the first step to balancing a relationship. * * * The chapters of this guide are set up in two different formats. The seven main rainbow colors are more "intense" in their vibrations and the chapters pertaining to them reflect that in a more rigorous study format. These colors are associated with the seven main energy centers of the body known as "chakras." The chapters of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Sky Blue, Dark Blue and Purple will, first, give you information about the color (the positive and negative effects of good and not so good interactions with each color). Following those will be suggested steps you can take to correct for a lack or an excess of the color’s energy. The other five chapters deal with specific colors that are subtler than the seven main ones. Their chapter’s format also reflects the subtler energy. The chapters of Pink, Peach, Sea Green, Teal and Black & White are less intense and will provide a pace break that will feel welcome in your voyage through the world of color energy. While in each chapter of the seven stronger colors, The Rainbow Guide is arranged so that you will find exercises for both "exploring" and "building" your relationship with these colors. Just as getting to know a new person requires spending time and energy, so does learning to understand and interrelate with color. Please don’t ignore these exercises. Unlike a new friend, whom you can choose to disassociate yourself from if you wish, color will always be a part of your life. Might as well make nice with it. After the exercises, readers will have the opportunity to perform a Color Meditation. Please do not skip this step, since interacting with the color energy in a relaxed and meditative state is crucial to your being able to successfully "journey" through that color later. While in the subtler chapters, readers will go right to meditation, without the rigor of exercises. When you are done with the meditation, you will have "recess," a time for play and snack and poetry. Please take advantage of this break as a time to be with the colors in a fun and non-threatening space. The final section of all the color chapters is the "Journey." Details of possible ways to take the journey are covered. Please use this opportunity in whatever way feels most appropriate to you. * * * An Important note about the Meditations: Although the format for each meditation is the same, there are significant differences in both the nature and the intensity of each color. These differences inherently create a unique feel or "vibrational quality" for each meditation. The first meditations may be more difficult, because the characteristics of the colors are "heavier" and lend themselves less well to higher states of awareness. The catch-22 of this is that the more difficult ones are the most necessary to infuse with an expanded awareness. As you move through the color scale, you will notice the tone of the meditations becoming more cerebral and esoteric. This is a reflection of that particular color’s energy. Since each of the meditations, like each of the journeys, builds on the others, I highly recommend you do them all, in the order they are given, the first time through the book. If you have trouble "moving the energy" or seeing the balls of light as described, just imagine as best you can and notice whatever comes up for you, then move on. There are no tests here. You should find that after you have experienced several colors, you will be able to go back and do the first ones more easily. * * * As in any area of emotional and spiritual work, seek, observe and learn. Take with you what resonates true in your heart and leave the rest behind, without guilt.
May all your journeys be happy and fruitful ones!
Chapter OneThe Color RedKarina’s mother is her guide. Guide's Journal, First Entry Today was a day I've waited for a long time, the first day of Karina's journey. She wasn't prepared enough, despite my repeated warnings, but she's strong. She's always been a stubborn and passionate girl. I knew that she'd be okay in Red. She was. She has an affinity for passion. Although, I did see what I thought was a glimpse of desperation seep in through that armor of defense she puts on so well. If she doesn't recognize it, this may be a problem later. From: Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale
Snap Shot of RedRed is the color of security, strength and survival. Red’s vibration is the slowest and most tangible on the physical plane. Wear it to attract and keep money and physical vitality in your life. Qualities of Red: Active * * * Chakra: Stone(s): Foods: Drinks: Life Energy: Scent: Musical Note: Archangel * * * Introduction, Meeting Red
Positive Relationships When your relationship with Red is Good you will:
If this is your relationship to Red, keep up the good work. Do the exercises under "Exploring Your Relationship with Red" to become even more intimate with this color. Then, follow with the "Building Your Relationship" exercises. Red is a color friend well worth keeping.
Negative Relationships Lacking in Red When you are lacking in this vibration it could manifest as:
* * * Steps to Take To Balance Lack
Please note that these are consistent recommendations for every color:
* * * Excess of Red If you are receiving Red but it is stopped at (unable to move past) your first chakra, that could manifest as:
* * * Steps to Take To Balance Excess
* * * Exploring Your Relationship with RedRed is the color of our first chakra, the root chakra. It is a grounding color, expressing our relationship with the physical aspects of our existence on Earth and how we respond to them. This is a very tangible color with very strong feelings. Red’s element is Earth. Having a good relationship with Red will make you more confident about your security. It is important that you write down your answers to the following exercises because writing is a way of making your thoughts about the relationship tangible. It’s okay to use a computer, although I think pen and paper is better. Paper has a strong connection to trees, which are very first chakra—very Red energy. * * * Exercises Answer the following questions in as much detail as you can:
Bonus: An Advanced Exercise For The Very Brave
Building your Relationship with RedAs with any relationship, if you want to make it stronger, you need to spend time building emotional connections and building trust. Red is a reflection of sustenance and abundance. Look closely at your survival issues, at your relationship to the physical aspects of your life. Red is a passionate and lively color. Do not be afraid to have fun with Red. * * * Exercises
Now, make a list of all the things you have in your possession. If the list gets cumbersome after a few hours, you can stop. I’m sure by then you will have cemented the point firmly in your psyche. Compare the two lists. Think about how the discrepancy between the two affects your life and the choices you make about where you spend your time.
* * * Red MeditationSit with your spine straight or lay prone. Begin by taking three deep breaths and exhaling fully. At each attention point, take at least three breaths. Relax fully, beginning with the top of your head. Put your attention there and notice any tension. Mentally tell your scalp and the surrounding muscles to relax. Move your attention down to your forehead. Notice any tension in and around your eyes and forehead. Mentally relax that area. Move your attention down to your throat and jaw. Release all the built up tension in these areas. Move your attention down to your chest and arms. Let yourself relax, starting with your shoulders on down through your heart and lungs, through your arms and all the way down to your fingertips. Now, bring your attention down to your solar plexus. This is the area below the rib cage and above the belly button. Relax the stomach muscles and the back muscles. Let your attention slide down to the area below your belly button but above the base of your spine, your sacral chakra area. Relax the muscle, both front and back. Let your internal organs ease. Remember to breathe normally. Bring your attention down to the base of your spine, your legs and feet. Mentally send each area the thought to release the tension they are holding, letting it flow out through your soles. Now you are mellow and ready to work with Red. With your feet relaxed, bring your attention to the bottom of your soles, and visualize a Red ball of energy. Mentally let the curve of your feet surround the ball. Try to sense the vibrations of the Red ball. It is sitting at your feet, warming them, bringing them energy. Slowly, use your mind to see the ball rising up your legs. Feel the warmth as the Red ball grows to include the entire length of your legs and the base of your spine. Stay with the pulse of the energy through three deep breaths, or more if you like. Notice any tingling or prickling sensation in the bottom of your body. This is the energy of Red meeting Red. Concentrate on these sensations and let your mind have free reign to move thoughts in and out. Try not to hold onto any thoughts, but notice the emotions behind them. The full energy of Red is awakening in you and it is friendly and warm. Let the ball of Red expand into your lower stomach and back. See the Red energy meeting the Orange of your lower stomach. Feel the emotions that form, but don’t attach to them. Let your thoughts and emotions come and go. Red is activating the creative energy within you. Notice the heat. Notice any ideas that come for projects or plans. Just notice—don’t pursue them now. There is time for that later. Expand the Red ball further, up to your solar plexus. See the Red energy meet with the Yellow energy of this, your Sun area. This portion of your body is associated with your identity, your will and your ego. Relax into the energy. Feel the roll of the breath coming and going from your upper stomach area. Breathe deeply. Let the Red energy activate your identity. Notice any clenching or resisting tightness in your solar plexus and tell it that it is okay to play with Red. Objectively watch your thoughts and desires as the two colors become entwined into a bright Golden Orange. Feel your resolve strengthening. Notice any thoughts that come regarding your purpose in life, but don’t attach to them. Let the Red ball grow to include your heart, shoulders and shoulders. This is where Red meets Green, its complementary color. These colors together are perfectly balanced. Feel Red mating with Green as they complete each other. Notice any resistance to the feeling of contentment. Does it seem too much for you? Let the resistance go and just watch the feeling of fullness. Watch buried feelings and thoughts that come up around this, but don’t attach. Absorb yourself in what it feels like to be whole. Expand the Red ball to your throat and jaw area. This is where Red meets Sky Blue. The result is a soft and strong Lavender vibration. Notice the sensations of your throat. Do you want to make noise? Do you feel warmth or a tickle in your throat? Watch your thoughts. Is there something waiting to be said? Let sounds release out if you sense them waiting to be heard. Let yourself yawn if you need to do this. Don’t judge what wants to come out. Awakening the throat chakra will allow buried and new expressions to find a way through you. Grow the Red ball up to your eyes and then feel it activate the third eye chakra, the space between and just above your eyes, the home of Dark Blue. Notice the heat. Notice any tingling. You may see or sense light even with your eyes closed. This is okay. Watch any sudden pictures that come into your view. Notice, but don’t attach to them. If something feels scary, remind yourself that you are safe in a field of Red’s security. Let the sensations of Red meeting Dark Blue lift you into the higher vibration of Purple. Watch for a new clarity to your emotions. Now let the Red energy extend to the space above and beyond your head. Red meets Purple here and becomes a brilliant, vibrating Violet Red. Watch what happens when this, the "Knowing Spirit" part of you becomes activated. Let your thoughts flow freely and feel the love of a consciousness that does not judge but just accepts. Be with your Higher Self in complete communion. Know that you are cocooned in the energy of Earth’s power to nurture and protect and in the security and perfect bliss of the Creator’s Spirit Energy. Take a memory picture of how this feels. When you are ready, let the ball of Red gradually contract back to its resting-place at your feet. Passing first your third eye, then your throat, it gets smaller. Retracting down past your heart and past your solar plexus, it gets smaller. Condensing down, back into itself, passing your abdomen, your lower back, your feet, it gets smaller until it is once again at the soles of your feet, ready to ground you to the Earth. Breathe normally and know that you can call upon the security of Red’s energy whenever you need it. * * * Playing with PaintBefore you go any further, get out your finger paints and paper. Truly, use your fingers and draw anything you want. It could be any of the images that came to you during the color meditation. It could be something in nature that you really love and feel an affinity toward, or it could be something you noticed—during the exercises—that you are lacking. If pictures intimidate you, draw words and decorate them. This is your private expression. Let it say whatever you want it to say. * * * Snack TimeDid you finish? Good. Now reward yourself with a healthy snack. You can choose to use food with Red energy or you can just have what you like and celebrate your right to be here and choose to sustain yourself as you see fit. Be proud of your efforts and courage in looking so deeply into yourself. * * * Poetry Play
Take the list of Red qualities or make your own list of ones that are true for you. Play with the words to make a Red Poem. It does not have to be wonderful or make a lot of sense, except to you. Write your Red poem now. Playing Poetry with Red It’s long and slow Shocked, ScaRed. TiRed, Until Reborn * * * Introduction to JourneyingThis can be anything from a visualized adventure to actual soul travel, depending on your inclinations and experience with other realms. I expect that most people will experience their dream journey as kind of a "daydream." This works perfectly fine. It is a form of visualization that lets your subconscious mind be creative and speak to you, much as an art project does. Record the dream in your memory as best you can in order to write it down later. It is okay if the dream makes no sense at the time. Let your imagination go wherever it wants to. Then, later, listen. Keep a journal and record your thoughts on the journey. With the luxury of a little distance, what do you think the dream was trying to tell you?
If you want to go beyond daydreams and have never experienced any type of journeying, you are probably unsure of the adventure. I highly recommend that you enlist the assistance of a guide. This could be a Native American Shaman; someone experienced in the rituals of Catholic Mysticism (intense praying, fasting and meditation); a Buddhist Priest; an Aboriginal Medicine Man or Woman; a Wiccan Priestess, etc., depending on your beliefs. Or you may just want to read Shakti Gawain’s terrific book Creative Visualization, New World Library. Also depending on your beliefs, you may want to ask for spiritual assistance in this dream. Call on God or Goddess, Angels, Saints, Ancestors, Guides or whomever your beliefs lead you to lean on for guidance. * * * Some people have expressed a concern about the tunnel in the companion fictional work Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale. A mythical work allows for work on more psychological levels than non-fiction, so I am hesitant to go too far into explanations, however, on the "visualization" level, the tunnel is very safe. It is a metaphor for our fears and natural resistance to look at our emotions and our personalities objectively. It is a depiction of the influence our ego can have on us. Personal growth can be scary and difficult. Still, without getting to know the material we are made of, without "touching our own walls," we will never complete our journey. It is not what happens when you are visualizing that feels dangerous, it is what happens when you face it later. For those of us who are not perfect, a good therapist is always a fine idea. * * * Karina’s Red Rhyme Throbber of love From "Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale"
Your Red JourneyHave your favorite Green food on hand for balancing after your journey. Prepare yourself for your journey in whatever way seems most appropriate and comfortable to you. You may use candles and incense, a ritual bath, or simply play special music. Make sure that your setting is safe and always say a prayer of protection whenever you are opening yourself to higher realms.
Begin by reading or reciting your Red poem, or you can use Karina’s from Rainbow Goddess: A Journey Tale, or mine from this book. Visualize and enter into a world where everything is tinged with Red light. See yourself travelling through a tunnel, taking your Spirit with you and leaving your ego behind. When you get to the end of the tunnel, look for someone who will lead you into the lesson Red has waiting for you. Imagine that they offer you a drink of something Red and toast your successful journey. Now you are in a world that is vibrating at the frequency of Red (429-492 trillion cycles per second). If it helps, picture yourself as an actor in a movie where the set is entirely Red and the other actors are displaying the qualities of Red. For example: passion, aggression, security, financial dealings, etc. Remember your poem and the qualities that spoke to you. See yourself inside this drama. Red is the color of the Earth element. It may help to set your scene outside or in a forest. While concentrating on Red, "see" or mentally create an entire location for your drama. Now, look around for objects that have meaning to you. Have a conversation with one or more of the other beings or actors about something with Red energy that is important to you, or with which you have struggled. Listen for the words that people use. Notice your reactions to them. Let your dream-self behave in whatever way the Red energy stimulates you to act. Let your inner voice speak to you through this dream journey. Do not be afraid to participate in the events that are unfolding. On many levels, they were already a part of your world. You are now just seeing them from a different perspective. Follow the story line until you feel that you have received a message or until you feel that you have absorbed enough Red energy to write about it in your journal. Then, slowly come back through the tunnel. Pick up your ego and bring her or him with you. Relax. Take deep, cleansing breaths—in through the nose and out through the mouth. Now eat something Green to balance the Red energy. * * * When you are ready, making sure that it is by the end of that same day, write in your journal about your experience and what it meant to you. Questions are okay to write. This practice is important as it helps your subconscious to:
* * * Integrating the Journey into Your LifeLook for synchronicities in your conscious daily life and in your dream patterns. Your subconscious mind will begin to talk to you more as it knows you are listening. Other messages will come from the universe to affirm your commitment to making new connections and cultivating a deeper level of understanding.
Re-read your journal entries later. New insights will come up.
© Copyright Moontress Press 2001